Butterflies are most commonly found on women, but they can be stylized in a masculine way for men as well.
They can be found small or large, colour or black and grey, and in many placements on the body.
Today butterflies can be tattooed very realistically and this is usually the preferred style, although there are many butterfly designs in all sorts of styles.
The monarch butterfly is easily the most famous and easily recognized butterfly for its distinct wing pattern and it's bright and beautiful transitioning orange hues.
Many butterflies that appear in tattoos and artwork are colored differently, but they often mimic the same wing markings as the monarch. The monarch specifically is admired for its unusual migratory habits.
Despite it's small delicate size and short life span, these creatures are known to travel huge distances. Originating in North America, they are now found all over the world.
When people get the butterfly tattooed it can be representative of great accomplishments against highly unfavourable odds.
It has even been the subject of mythical stories and described as supernatural or miraculous for its unique characteristics.
The female monarch is known to lay approximately 1000 eggs during the mating season, however only about 10% actually survive to develop into larvae. This is another reason butterfly tattoos are symbols of defeating hardships. Also for this reason among others it can be rare to see butterflies, even when deep into a natural setting like the forest, this is why may cultures consider the sight of any butterfly a sign of good luck.
Some even have legends of butterflies being connected with the spiritual realm, either a loved one that has passed on is in a better place and sending a message of peace, or even perhaps a guardian angel symbolizing that blessings will soon be arriving for the observer.
Butterflies in general have the extraordinary commonality that they all experience true physical metamorphosis in their life span, beginning as an egg, to a larvae, to a caterpillar which phases into other caterpillars before finally becoming what seems like a completely different species as it hatches from a cocoon into the beautiful butterfly.
This incredible transmutation is why a number of medical conditions have adopted the butterfly as their symbol because it reminds them of hope for the future and the possibility of unbelievable change.
Furthermore, going from a caterpillar to a butterfly means the gaining of wings which must be a life-changing experience that we would all dream of having. It represents going from a limited state of crawling on the ground to the absolute freedom of flying and the loveliness of floating through the flowers. The butterfly tattoo can come in any color whatsoever and the color is usually a clue as to what it stands for to the individual. it is a very positive symbol and usually has something to do with a rebirth of some kind.